An Open Discussion (George Floyd, Ahmaud Marquez Arbery, and Breonna Taylor) - with Ayo Afolabi & Jayson Wells

We reached out to two men of color to gain their story and perspective around the challenges of racism and building a brighter tomorrow. With the death of George Floyd, Ahmaud Marquez Arbery, and Breonna Taylor, in recent times many global citizens of color are mourning. Join us for a discussion with Ayo Afolabi, a speaker, author, consultant, and podcaster based in the UK as well as Jayson Wells, a former professional basketball player, coach and entrepreneur.

You'll walk away inspired as well as gain practical insights on steps to take individually and organizationally to continue to learn and progress.


The Power of Empathy - with Jim Marsh


Let’s Talk LinkedIn & Personal Branding - with Tima Elhajj